Constructor BasicsJ8 Home « Constructor Basics
In this lesson we take a basic look at constructors, which are used to create instances of our classes.
In the last two lessons we looked at instance variables and how we use them to populate our objects. We created three Cat
objects using the new
keyword to create our instances and then used quite a few
lines of code to create state for each object. Part of the TestCat4
test class is shown below:

test class.This approach to creating state within our objects is not only long winded but prone to error. There is also another thing I am sure you have been wondering about, each time we create an instance of an object we use parentheses after the name of the object we are instantiating. It looks like we are calling a method to create our object! Lets look at the steps in creating an object again:

Default Constructor Top
So what is going on here? It sure looks like we are calling a method called Cat()
. Well actually we're calling the Cat
constructor, which has the code that runs when you instantiate an object by using
the new
keyword followed by a class name. I know what you're thinking, we haven't written any constructor for our Cat
class, so what is going on here? Well if we don't write our own constructor, our
friendly compiler writes a default constructor for us. The default constructor always follows the same pattern, which is the public
access modifier followed by the class name and empty parentheses. So for
our Cat
class the compiler added the following code:

This looks like a method but there's something missing, the return type which is mandatory for a method. So, if we don't write our own constructor then the compiler will insert a no arguments constructor into our code
for us, which is how we have been able to construct instances of our Cat
class so far.
Coding Our Own Constructors Top
Lets code our own constructor for our Cat
class and use it to create state within some Cat
objects. To do this we are going to amend our existing Cat
class and then write a new test class
to ensure it all works.
package info.java8;
A Cat Class
public class Cat {
String name, colour;
int age;
Below is the new constructor for our Cat Class
public Cat(String a, String b, int c) {
name = a;
colour = b;
age = c;
void talk() {
Save and compile our amended Cat
class in directory c:\_ObjectsAndClasses in the usual way.
What we have done is create a new constructor for our Cat
class (notice there is no return type). The constructor has three parameters for the name, age and colour of the cat. Inside the constructor we
assign the parameters to our Cat
instance variables. Now lets test our new Cat
package info.java8;
Test Class5 for Cat
public class TestCat5 {
public static void main (String[] args) {
Cat moggy = new Cat("Henry", "black", 4); // Call new Cat constructor with three arguments
Cat tigger = new Cat("Kitty", "black", 15); // Call new Cat constructor with three arguments
Cat tabby = new Cat("Felix", "white", 8); // Call new Cat constructor with three arguments
System.out.println("Our " + moggy.colour + " cat called " + + " is " + moggy.age);
System.out.println("Our " + tigger.colour + " cat called " + + " is "
+ tigger.age);
System.out.println("Our " + tabby.colour + " cat called " + + " is " + tabby.age);

class.The above screenshot shows the output of running our TestCat5
class. As you can see creating instances is a lot more succinct and less error prone.
Related Quiz
Objects & Classes Quiz 10 - Constructor Basics
Lesson 10 Complete
In this lesson we learnt about constructors, which we can use to instantiate objects of our classes.
What's Next?
In the next lesson we learn constructor overloading and how to use the this