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Streams Quiz 2

The quiz below tests your knowledge of the material learnt in Streams - Lesson 2 - Stream Pipelines.

Question 1 : There must be one or more Intermediate operations in a stream pipeline?
- A stream pipeline can have ZERO or more intermediate operations.
Question 2 : How are the intermediate operations in a stream pipeline invoked?
- Intermediate operations in a stream pipeline are invoked by the terminal operation.
Question 3 : Is the following code snippet valid?
.filter(e -> e.getAge() > 21)
- There were two terminal operations within the code snippet which the compiler doesn't like, so the code snippet is INVALID.
Question 4 : Terminal operations always produce a stream?
- Terminal operations always produce a <code>void</code> or non-stream result.
Question 5 : Which Stream interface methods primary purpose is debugging?
- The <code>peek()</code> methods primary purpose is debugging.
Question 6 : Is the following code snippet valid?
.filter(e -> e.getAge() > 21)
- There are no terminal operations within the code snippet but the code will still compile and run it will just never get invoked.
Question 7 : What type of operations are Intermediate stream operations?
- Intermediate stream operations are <i>lazy</i> and are invoked by the terminal operation.
Question 8 : We can alter the inner state of an element within a pipeline, such as capitalising text?
- We can alter the inner state of an element within a pipeline using the <code>peek()</code> methods.
Question 9 : Is the following code snippet valid?
- There are no intermediate opertions but the code is still valid, the terminal operation processes and prints off the whole stream.
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What's Next?

In the next quiz we test your knowledge of the different intermediate and terminal operations.