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Fundamentals Quiz 5

The quiz below tests your knowledge of the material learnt in Fundamentals - Lesson 6 - Method Scope.

Question 1 : What are variables created within method scope known as?
- Variables created within method scope known are known as local variables.
Question 2 : Parameters passed to a method are within method scope?
- Parameters passed to a method are included as part of the method scope.
Question 3 : What is wrong with the following snippet of code?

public static void main (String[] args) {
float aFloat = 12.34F;
double aDouble;
double bDouble = aFloat * aDouble; }
- Variable aDouble is not initialized (variable bDouble is dynamically initialized at runtime).
Question 4 : What is the lifetime of a local variable?
- A local variable exists until the method it is declared in finishes executing.
Question 5 : local variables declared within an inner scope are available to the outer scope?
- Outer scopes know nothing about local variables declared within an inner scope.
Question 6 : How do we create a block of code?
- We create a block of code using curly braces
Question 7 : Is the following snippet of code valid?

public static void main (String[] args) {
int a = 0;
while (a < 2) { int a = 0; a++; } }
- Variables declared in an inner scope cannot have the same name as variables declared in an outer scope.
Question 8 : Each time a scope is entered the local variables that are declared with an initializer are reset to the initializer value.?
- local variables that are declared with an initializer are reset to the initializer value each time the scope is entered .
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What's Next?

The next quiz on Java is all about Arithmetic Operators.